Below are some links to other websites with information about symptoms and pain in the lower abdomen.
Portal about pelvic floor complaints, an initiative of the patient organization Foundation Bekkenbodem4All.
Pelvic floor online
Comprehensive informative site on everything to do with the pelvic floor. There is also the pelvic floor app.
Pelvic Bottom First
This website is about exercising with attention to the pelvic floor. The website is intended for athletes (at all levels) and for professionals such as fitness trainers, personal trainers, and physical therapists.
Pelvis and Pelvic Floor Care Center Leeuwarden
We cooperate with them; especially in the care of complicated anorectal complaints.
Profundum Institute
This institute offers specialized pelvic (floor) care in Rotterdam, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and Dordrecht.
Proctos Clinic
This medical center specializes in the treatment of proctological and pelvic floor disorders.
The International Pelvic Pain Society. We are affiliated with this.
The website of the National Center for Pelvic Pain Research in the US. These are the drafters of the Wise-Anderson protocol, which we work with.
Chronic prostatitis forum
This forum of the National Center for Pelvic Pain Research allows discussion (after payment of $20) about pain symptoms in men.
British Prostatis Support Association
This English-language forum for and by patients is free of charge.
Pudendal Nerve
Useful addresses, information and a personal account by a pelvic floor patient from Australia.
Pudendal Hope
A very comprehensive, English-language, site on all aspects of "pudendal nerve" problems.
Tips on dealing with pain. The website is in English and created by an (experiential) expert.