Fetske Hogen Esch together with Prof. Dr. Nucelio Lemos gave a course in neuroanatomy in Rotterdam

Together with Prof. Dr. Nucelio Lemos, gynecologist in Toronto and Sao Paolo, Fetske taught a two-day course in neuroanatomy at Erasmus Unversity in the anatomy skills lab.
The course was given to surgeons and pelvic physiotherapists from home and abroad.
Besides lectures, there was a lot of focus on practice. With a laparoscope, participants could watch the release of nerves in the abdominal cavity. They also dissected themselves.

With this we contribute to increasing the knowledge of nerves in the abdomen and pelvis. In practice, it appears that this involvement of nerves is not always recognized yet.

Pelvic Pain clinic / F-Act specializing in chronic pelvic pain

Pelvic Pain clinic / F-Act specializing in chronic pelvic pain

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