If you have been suffering from chronic unexplained pain in your abdomen, lower back or pelvis F-act in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, is the place to come to get help with your problems. F-act stands for 'Effect'
Our clinic is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain in the abdomen, lower back and pelvic region. We look for solutions to complex causes of pain. We often have patients who have had extensive medical examinations but where no clear reason for their pain has been found. By looking at the problem from several different points of view we often find that the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. This type of pain, often called Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, or CPPS, can occur in both men and women.
Our professionals make use of the latest scientific research in this field and have a wide network of contacts with other specialists both in the Netherlands and abroad. The core principles of our clinic are Respect, Care, Quality and Autonomy
F-act is located in Enkhuizen, a small historic town in the Netherlands, one hour by train from Schiphol Amsterdam Airport. A 'bed and breakfast' can be found within walking distance of the clinic (5 min). Patients, both male and female, from all over the world have found us, so can you!
Medical diagnoses of pain in the abdomen, lower back and pelvis often do not take into account potential problems with the muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints in this area. In fact, these body elements often play an essential role in the underlying cause of the pain. F-act has detailed knowledge of the intimate relationship between the organs and musculo-skeletal structure and carefully considers this relationship - which other specialists sometimes ignore.
We make discussion of pain in this vulnerable and private part of our bodies something that it is OK to talk about. After a careful diagnosis we, together with you, devise an appropriate treatment strategy. We teach people how to recognize their pain at an early stage, we diagnose and treat their pain and we also give them the tools to treat themselves.
How does the approach of the Pain Clinic differ from that of a normal Pelvic Physiotherapy Center?
From the beginning of the nineteen nineties Fetske Hogen Esch has looked at ways of providing a better quality of life to patients suffering from Chronic Pelvic Pain. She has done this through:
- following many specialised courses
- building up an (inter)national network of specialists who share her passion
- making in-depth studies of complex cases
Through the relationships of deep trust she has with the many patients she has examined and treated, she has become a real specialist in her field. A specialist with knowledge and understanding which far surpasses that of most pelvic physiotherapists. For over 20 years she has been teaching Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, with emphasis on pain, to physiotherapy students in the Netherlands and abroad.
You don't need a referral from your doctor to have an examination or treatment at our clinic. However, it is useful if you inform your doctor that you have sought our help. Existing information about your condition is very important to us.
Experience from a patient
Here is my experience in brief
"I suffered from pelvic pain for about a year. Various physians, however, had no clue of the real problem.
After doing much research i came across the book " Headache in my Pelvis" by Dr. Wise. After practicing some of the techniques mentioned in the book, I started feeling better. So I decided to attend the F-Act clininc to learn the protocol. My experience at the clininc was wonderful. Fetske is an outstanding
pelvic pain specialist who tought me how to locate and de activate the trigger points, along with lessons in relaxation. I also learned the techniques of skin rolling and stretching from Branca Smit who is an excellent pelvic pain specialist. In whole, the three day clinic is well planned and the fantastic team at clinic makes you feel comfortable. I would definitely recommend it to anyone suffering from pelvic pain."
"Report of a 30 year old male"
In 2010, I was living a very stressful life and had suffered a small trauma, together with me going from my twenties into my thirties wanting to still have my six-pack and therefore always tensioning my stomach muscles.The result was that my pelvic muscles completely tensioned, I thought I had a prostate infection or even worse. The doctors gave me antibiotics for weeks and nothing helped. I went back to the doctor but he said my prostate was fine and I had no problems, that I shouldn't worry so much. At that point I couldn't even sit any longer than 5 minutes before I would feel terrible pain in my pelvic area.Every night when I got home I needed to take a warm bath to relax a bit.
After searching profoundly the internet I found Fetske and her pelvic pain clinic. She told me the pain came from my too tight pelvic floor muscles and that there was a solution to make them less tight. I started the therapy with Fetske and she taught me how to do a self-treatment on my pelvic floor and surrounding muscles as well. It is not something that can be fixed in one or two weeks, but after working hard for 2-3 years to get it better I am more or less 90-95% pain free. I am more than thankful for Fetske giving me my pain free life back and I am grateful forever!
F.G. (Rio de Janeiro), July 2015.